I thought it would be helpful if I created a page that gets right down to the inbound marketing tools I use every day to attract customers with inbound marketing.
On this page I’m going to show you each inbound marketing tool I use and why I use each one in a step by step plan. Also if you want to learn more about a particular strategy there will be links to articles I have written on the topic for many of the tools I use.
Simply click the link to read the article on the strategy you want to learn more about.
#1 Set up a Business Website with the ability to Blog (your platform)
to attract customers from search engines and social media
This step is all about getting a business blog setup so you can start attracting customers that lead to sales for your business. In this phase you are going to need to learn how to setup your own blog in 3 minutes, make it look like you paid a designer to make it ( How to Design a Website on WordPress without a Designer ).
- Bluehost – I use bluehost for one main reason, you can have your own hosted business blog up setup in 3 minutes. With the 1 click wordpress installation button it has never been easier to create a proper wordpress blog hosted on your own domain name.
->Find out why I recommend you use a hosted wordpress blog for your small business website. - How to get a great design without a designer
The only theme I use now is DIVI by Elegant Themes
-> Divi by Elegant Themes
#2 Make a Keyword List (keyword research)
so you know exactly what your ideal customer is already searching for
Keyword research is all about finding the right keywords that are going to produce traffic and sales. This stage is a vital step to starting any business and will save you time and money if you understand the market and the people in that market.
- Google keyword tool – Google keyword tool is a great free resource to find relevant keywords with traffic and its free.
#3 Create Content (blog posts)
When your target audience searches for a keyword phrase, you want them to find your article.
Content is king. I like to describe content like Internet real estate, the more content you have on the Internet the more ways there are for people to find you. You absolutely need good content before you can think about getting it listed at the top of the search results, otherwise you could be hurting your brand rather than strengthening it. I always start anything I share online with a post on my blog. This is like the hub for all other sharing because it is in your control, and it can handle all modalities (written word, audio, video, images). Here are some great tools I use to create content aside from just written word articles so I can embed it into my original blog post.
- Pixlr.com – Free image editor that allows you to create unique images for your blog (so you can look great when you get shared in social media)
- Screenflow for Mac Screen Recording Softare I use on my mac to record my screen and myself in very high quality, edit and publish the video to youtube so I can embed it in my blog articles. Youtube is the second largest search engine next to Google. Each video you upload also acts as another internet real estate property and can provide a boost to the rankings of your article.
- Keynote – Slide show Presentation Software for Mac
- Camtasia Studio – Screen Recording Software I use to create video presentations and record my screen to shoot training videos
- Microsoft Powerpoint – Slideshow Presentation Software I use in conjunction with camtasia studio to create video presentations that I can post online.
#4 Optimize your Content (for Search Engines)
so you can scale the growth of your inbound marketing strategy
Once you have your content written I use these tools to make sure my page is optimized for search engines.
- Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin – I love this Free wordpress plugin, it allows you to make sure each of your posts is optimized for search engines with the click of a button. It also offers suggestions on how you can improve your page until you get a perfect SEO Optimization Score. I think the most important part is that you don’t have to be an SEO master to blog for your business with this plugin and it works the process right into your natural workflow so you can’t forget the step.
#5 Rank Your Content (#1 on Google)
so your ideal customers that are searching for your targeted keyword phrases find and click on your article
Once you have your page optimized for a keyword the next thing you need to do is get Backlinks to your page so that it ranks at the top of the search results. If you don’t do this step you miss out on the monthly recurring traffic form people searching for the keyword phrase you targeted in your article or webpage. Here are some great services that allow you to generate backlinks for your main blog or article pages.
- Backlinko – Brian Dean is Know as one of the best backlink experts in the industry. Check out How to Rank for Any Keyword
- Rank Checker – This is a firefox plug-in that makes it easy for your to check the ranking of all of the keyword phrases you are targeting in your keyword list. This allows you to focus on improving the rank of each of the keyword phrases you are targeting.